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Premium sales receive a boost as Christmas shoppers splash out on festive fizz

Published:  07 January, 2025

Household spending at the multiples hit a record high in Christmas 2024 as December became the busiest month for footfall since the pre-lockdown rush in March 2020, according Kantar. Overall take-home sales at the grocers rose by 2.1% over the four weeks to 29 December compared with last year.


Multiples: Festive foresight

Published:  16 December, 2024

Ahead of the hoped-for Christmas frenzy, James Bayley asks the Co-op’s Joe Turner what lies in store.


On-trade kickstarts 2020 on a positive note

Published:  12 February, 2020

The on-trade sector has started 2020 on a positive note with like-for-like sales up 1.9% in January compared to the same month last year, according to the latest figures from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker.


Festive period provides cheer for on-trade

Published:  15 January, 2019

Managed pubs and restaurants saw a 4.1% collective like-for-like sales increase across the festive season compared to the same period the prevous year. 


BWS enjoys strong festive build up as general grocery sales slump

Published:  08 January, 2019

Shoppers visited supermarkets more often in the run up to Christmas, but sales slumped to half the level of growth returned last year, according to Nielsen.